Florida’s new “road rage” law makes it illegal for drivers to drive slowly in the fast lane.
We’ve all found ourselves stuck behind a driver who insists on driving way below the speed limit in the fast lane. For many of us, this can lead to bad moods, lost cool and profanity-laced tirades. And usually these slow drivers think they’re driving safely. But that’s a common misconception.
Speeders aren’t the only ones causing accidents and road rage incidents. Whether driving 10 over or 10 under, not driving the posted speed limit can wreak havoc on the roads. And Florida’s taken notice
Florida’s New “Road Rage” Law
Back in July of 2013, Florida passed the “road rage” law, allowing police to ticket drivers for driving too slow in the fast lane. The law specifies that if a person is driving 10 miles per hour or more under the speed limit on a multilane highway with a driver behind them, police can issue a $60 ticket.
And considering a driver can easily rack up $250 in penalties for speeding, the fine may seem small. But don’t let the low face value fool you. It will affect your driver’s license and insurance the same way any other ticket would – and bringing a bigger impact than you expected.
Preventing Auto Accidents and Injuries
“Why is driving slowly a ticketable offense? Isn’t it safer to drive slowly than it is to drive fast?”
Some people think slow driving and cautious driving are the same thing. But that’s a common misconception. It’s not just the aggressive drivers causing auto accidents and injuries. In fact, driving too slow can lead to “road rage” incidents and auto accidents just the same.
Having a slow driver in the left lane can leave drivers confused and disorganized because they’re forced to pass on the right. Also, drivers may be forced to suddenly stop if they’re going the speed limit and suddenly approach a slow-moving vehicle. Another goal of the “road rage” law is to keep the fast lane moving. With bumper-to-bumper traffic waiting for the slow car to move aside or speed up, a certain amount of fender-benders – or worse – are inevitable.
Establishing Liability in Your Auto Accident Case
“Aggressive” drivers are usually cited for causing auto accidents and injuries in rear-end collisions. However, with the new “road rage” law in place, the old way of establishing liability isn’t really effective or accurate anymore. Now, if a driver is driving too slowly, they can be held liable for causing an accident – even if someone rear-ends them.
After being involved in an auto accident, take the proper steps to protect yourself. By doing so, you can help your attorney establish liability and help you prove your case.
At the Andriotis Law Firm, we’ve helped our clients establish liability and successfully prove their case. So if you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an auto accident, contact us today and schedule your free consultation.