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Dont pay a traffic ticket if you were not at fault.

Don't Pay A Traffic Ticket if You Were Not At FaultI met a young woman at Panera in Tarpon who told me she was going to pay a ticket and court costs even though she wasn’t at fault for an accident. She has had prior tickets and was willing to pay regardless of fault in an effort to keep her license from getting suspended.

She stated that the police officer cited her because of the scratch and dent pattern on her car which is completely ridiculous. She said the other driver got out of his car and apologized all the while admitting fault but she still was cited. The officer promised not to show up if she disputed the ticket which is also ridiculous and a violation of the officers duty.

All in all the girl was confused and was going to make a huge mistake by pleading not guilty at traffic court not realizing this would result in additional court costs and a full blown trial.

If you receive a ticket in an auto accident that was not your fault, contact the Andriotis Law Firm today.